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How are noobs beating good players?


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I want to understand how if this game is so noob friendly (which i understand it is dont get me wrong) that u hardcore good players are being beaten by all these noobs. If its easy for them shouldnt it be even easier for u. Why is the boltshot and dmr killing u so easy.. Doesnt make anysense to me.

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Exactly. Skill is skill. I understand that this changes the playing field, but the fact that there are differences in this game don't make it more "noob" friendly. You have the same advantages, so how exactly are "pro" players losing? I'll tell you. They aren't. They might not go +20 in Matchmaking any more, but they are still winning.

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That's not true. I noticed that the better you are getting headshots and the more tricky you make your gameplay the better your overall score will be. you might call it a noob game but the more power weapons that are used the more the pro players have to adjust to different gameplay situations. its not because they are bad its because they cant adjust themselves to not getting raped by a sticky detonator every 5 seconds of the game.

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I want to understand how if this game is so noob friendly (which i understand it is dont get me wrong) that u hardcore good players are being beaten by all these noobs. If its easy for them shouldnt it be even easier for u. Why is the boltshot and dmr killing u so easy.. Doesnt make anysense to me.


Its called a SKILL GAP. The game is easier to be better and harder to be really good. A good example is war (the card game) there is no such thing as a "good" war player because there is no skill gap, you just turn cards over. Now, if you play something like poker, its still a card game, but the skil gap is higher.

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Ive played every halo game why do people put this up like their hella cool saying go play halo 3,shut up. Quit complaing this game is fun and i dont want it to be ruined by complainers. You complainers ruined so many of my favorite games cause u sucked at them. Even if they do change the game guess what im still not gonna post pointless threads of hate. Your a loser


Not a hate post. Opinion.

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Sorry for comin at u sideways and the only part of luck in this game is ordnance drops. Me landing headshots or even pulling out a boltshot is my skill im hittin u and your not hitting me


Oh ya, that boltshot so skillful! Almost takes as much as skill as the AR!

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Im not saying the boltshot takes a huge amount of skill im simply saying my tactics are beating yours if im winning doesnt matter how i win as long as i dont cheat.


But choosing to use the boltshot doesn't make you more skillfull. If we go bowling and I get a strike without the bumpers down, but then you go after me and put the bumpers down and get a strike too, does that make you as skillful as me?


Actually this is the perfect analogy. A high skill gap game would be bowling without the bumpers, but if you put them down, then it becomes a lower skill gap game.

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this game doesn't have a skill gap like it used to. the skill gap is like cod you shoot first 8/10 your going to win if you have know how to hit someone even if you miss. when the game punishes you for being good *regicide* *instant respawn* Its hard to find who is pro and noob you can not completely dominate anymore unless the person just picked up the controller or game. altho i don't really care i have a 1.8 k/d but people saying this game takes alot of skill no using a boltshot is about as much skill as using shotgun on cod. picking up random rockets takes little skill to. they have added so many random elements to this game *AKA WATERED IT DOWN* in order to help the bad kids. In the past in a objective type game 9/10 if your team went negitive you would lose the objective now. you can basicaly dominate objective just by running to the objective over and over and over because you are not punished for dieing. So go out there and keep dieing! Let me out dmr you only for you to spawn behind me and clean me up. Whats that? i got needler nades speed boost in care package Heres binary rifle!.. whats that you outslayed the emeny team 2 times on there flag and they have no ammo or sheilds lets spawn you next to them to help!. not good enough with boltshot heres vision to see threw the map! oh your team is losing in dominon Heres inceration cannons for the entire team! doing good in regicide Heres a big way point on your head! When you can get a triple kill off the same person somethings really funky.


Who remenbers when you got a double or triple you felt like the sh1t. Now its like cod. you just keep going not even caring.. No skill gap. and not much fun.

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I don't know if the following is true in Halo 4, but I know in Reach that the really good players actually did BETTER. Reach basically had much more to do with being cheap, so people had extremely good basic skills (aka better players) also focused hard on exploiting the games weaknesses. The result is someone who might have a K/D of 1.8 or even 2 in halo 3 had a K/D of FIVE (5.0) in Reach.


In Halo 4 it's hard to tell, because it grabbed a lot of stuff from Reach but corrected some of Reach's mistakes (Like everything that exploded exploding HUGE). I suspect the pros will still do fine, and if it looks like they aren't that's because Trueskill is doing its job. The best players have very good teamwork, which I'm hearing is more important than ever. That might be Halo 4's ace in the hole so to speak.


I may not like a lot of what they've done, but I think they got it pretty team-oriented in a weird backdoor way. You actually have LESS information coming from the game about your team than you did previously, but if you communicate and work together you can use Halo 4's weakness as its strength. You basically have almost no information about your team without your team telling you (and you respawn instantly, so you never look at the score), but the other team has the same conflict. Therefore by not supporting teamwork, Halo 4 gives teamwork a bigger advantage. Land of the blind and all that.

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Tornado I think you are hitting the nail on the head. This all leads back to average lifespan from the moment of enemy contact to the time one of you dies. If you notice the difference between halo 2 all the way to halo 4 the amount of time someone can stay alive while in combat is staggering. In halo 2, the moment a person shot first (the initiator), they had a clear advantage and more than half the time they usually killed the enemy. In halo 3 it was fairly the same however the took out hitscan for the BR thus players had to adjust to this by leading their shots which therefore led to prolonged enemy lifespan from the moment the initiator shot them. Halo Reach was even worse, with bloom the amount of time was extraordinarily obnoxious for the initiator; Bloom increased the amount of chance for the person the intiator would be shooting to actually live and kill the initiator. You could no longer say with confidence that if a person shot first that they would be the victor. Sprint and the addition of health also furthered this chance if you want to call it that


Now in Halo 4 they lessened the bloom for the DMR, AR, Pistol, etc. and made it significantly harder for sprinters to get away from someone who was shooting them; HOWEVER, they increased the amount of chance that the initiator would die by the addition of the frequency of power weapons and the Boltshot.


That's why I think many people complaining about the very small skill gap. When you increase the amount of chance in a game it really takes the fun out of it. How many of us can honestly say we like dying by an enemy we spent the last 3 seconds shooting with a br at mid range, thereby leading to no shields, only to get killed by one measly charge of the boltshot? I sure as heck don't. For those who might say, "just use promethean, easy counter to boltshot." Then what's the point in having all these other abilities? Seriously, the point of all the additional facets that War Games brought was to broaden the gameplay and make so many possibilities. However, when you go into a slayer game on adrift or even big maps to an extent, MOST players use the boltshot as a secondary because of the power it holds in getting them that 1 almost assured kill as long as they camp. So you are almost forced to use promethean out of respect for boltshots. That makes the game VERY unbalanced. I cannot use my other abilities because im stuck trying to use promethean to keep my self alive.


If the boltshot was a secondary i wouldn't have such a huge problem with it. It's fair to use a 1 kill weapon, but the extent of how frequently it is used is absurd.

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if my bullets registered in halo 3 i'd probably would have played 5 games of halo 4 and gone back to it lol. i just feel i'm playing cod i'm just spamming my trigger always out of ammo for being good most of the time. lol. my only real problem is visable ranking playlist and instant respawn. the game doesn't even promote social interaction no one has mics and i can't even talk to my emeny teams to party up with them for doing good even tho we destroyed them lol.

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I also wanted to note on the frequency of multikills. Because of the lack of skill gap, its near impossible to win a 1v2 matchup with just a BR and grenades. You need to have some sort of tactical advantage that includes a power weapon of some sort and/or OS, Damage boost, or sprint. In halo 2 and 3 multikills were actually quite frequent across ranks because of the skill gap and the advantage a well placed nade gave you.


A 50 would get a lot of doubles and triples if he were playing a bunch of 30s. But if he were to play 50s, those numbers would be down but they would still be there. In halo 4 however it doesn't matter what level you are, you will get destroyed if you go up against 2 guys at once. Hence the big reliance on teamwork.


Basically Halo 4 is more of a team-oriented game than H2 or 3. Reach was caught inbetween and made it unbalanced. I think many players who were once very good at H2 and 3 are upset that Halo 4 is way too hard to be REALLY REALLY dominant.


(my spelling errors are pretty bad right now, but its 3AM...IDGF)

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But choosing to use the boltshot doesn't make you more skillfull. If we go bowling and I get a strike without the bumpers down, but then you go after me and put the bumpers down and get a strike too, does that make you as skillful as me?


Actually this is the perfect analogy. A high skill gap game would be bowling without the bumpers, but if you put them down, then it becomes a lower skill gap game.

Your analogy was a good attempt but me choosing the boltshot is more like me choosing what kind of bowling ball i want. The ball(weapon) that im gonna do better with.

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Your analogy was a good attempt but me choosing the boltshot is more like me choosing what kind of bowling ball i want. The ball(weapon) that im gonna do better with.


I meant the analogy to apply to the entire game to explain the differences in low and high skill gap games.

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